Benefits of QA testing |

The main idea behind the formation of our QA department is to increase the quality of our final work and reduce the time between completion of the full cycle development and the detection of bugs.

We have various types of QA testing, depending on the specific needs of your projects and the development process you follow. Types of game testing we are capable of:

Our testing approach

Functional Testing

Gray and Black Box Testing

Cross-platform Testing

Regression Testing

Tools Testing

Installation/Implementation Testing

Load and Stress Testing

Smoke Testing

Compatibility Testing

Scripted and Exploratory Testing

Compliance Testing

Testing of Design and Documentation

Benefits of our QA testing

QA testing
QA testing
QA testing
QA testing
QA testing
QA testing
QA testing

The role of our QA team on external projects comes with many responsibilities, such as:


QA testing
QA testing
QA testing
QA testing
QA testing
QA testing

The earlier the bug is found, the cheaper it is to fix

QA testing can play a crucial role in catching potential copyright issues early, preventing costly rework and legal complications later in development. Even with thorough legal checking during pre-production, unexpected copyright violations can arise.

Testing and IP requirements

Development teams face a huge challenge to meet not only internal quality standards but also platform-specific requirements. Each platform (like Microsoft, Sony, or Nintendo) has its own specific requests. Compliance Testing ensures games meet these standards without any rework and recertification.

Compliance Testing

Our cases

QA testing
QA testing
QA testing
QA testing

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Our expertise in tools and platforms

We work with all standard tools and additionally explore the newest software. There is no platform that we don’t know.

android studio
unreal engine
autodesk maya

QA team has worked on various games

QA testing
QA testing
QA testing
QA testing
QA testing
3D concept art

Contact us

To learn more about us, request personalized portfolio, or just have a chat, feel free to contact us via the form.

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